Use Your Memory

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Use Your Memory

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Pengarang : Tony Buzan
Halaman : 162
Penerbit : Sphere Books Limited

Tony Buzan, author of the best-selling Use Your Head and inventor of the revolutionary Mind-Mapping technique, has acquired fame by improving the memory and learning capability of thousands of people. In this book, based on the latest research into the workings of the human brain, he presents an ingenious system for training the memory to achieve extraordinary feats.
The book provides surprising, yet simple, techniques for remembering names, dates, phone numbers and appointments. Special programmes are given for card players and there is a useful section for students on how to attain optimum examination results.
Buzan reveals his methods with engaging enthusiasm, drawing upon extraordinary, surreal images to illustrate
how the mnemonic system works. Some of these images are illustrated in full colour. For anyone who has difficulty in remembering facts and figures, people and places, Use Your Memory will be invaluable.


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